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HMH Strain Reviews: Louis XIII OG

HMH Strain Reviews: Louis XIII OG

Louis XIII OG Reviewed by Chelsea   Symptom relief: Gastrointestinal relief, Chron's Disease, Pain, Fatigue and Stress "I wanted a strain for my day off -- something to treat my symptoms from Chron's Disease as well as my chronic neck pain. This strain took care...
HMH Strain Reviews: Green Crack

HMH Strain Reviews: Green Crack

Green Crack Reviewed by Chelsea Symptom relief: Fatigue, stress, nausea, headaches " I chose Green Crack because it's a favorite sativa of mine. The first time I tried it, I knew it was a great daytime medicine for me! It's so energizing and is still highly...
HMH Strain Reviews: Blue Dream

HMH Strain Reviews: Blue Dream

Blue Dream Reviewed by Chelsea Symptom relief: pain, nueromuscular fatigue, IBS/Crohn's, anxiety, depression and stress "I chose this strain because it has always delivered its medicinal effects. Most batches, including this one, tend to have very beautiful buds &...
HMH Strain Reviews: Blueberry Cough

HMH Strain Reviews: Blueberry Cough

Blueberry Cough Reviewed by Jack Symptom relief: depression, anxiety, stress, mild pain Structure Blueberry Cough has an absolutely beautiful bud structure. This flower is a wonderful shade of dark green with long, dark red and brown pistils in average abundance. It...

HMH Strain Reviews: Hindu Skunk

"Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they are there. Sweet, cheesy and nutty, this strain is much like your friends at High Mountain Health!" - Tulasi "...incredibly relaxing, like floating on Aladdin's magic carpet." - Kevin Hindu...

HMH Strain Reviews: Caramel Ice

Reviewed by Taylor B. "I felt how melting caramel looks: warm, soothing, and slowly becoming one with the couch. One of the best parts of this strain is that it provides very uplifting effects, offering the perfect blend of happy and calm." ~ Taylor B. "Caramel Ice is...