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Medical Monday: Cannabis and Arthritis

Medical Monday: Cannabis and Arthritis

In the United States alone, there are more than three million cases of reported cases of arthritis per year. This common condition, caused by joint inflammation, tends to worsen with age. Yet, arthritis affects people of all ages. Arthritis is painful, making managing...
Medical Monday: Cannabis and Arthritis

Medical Monday: Cannabis and Epilepsy

"I didn’t use cannabis until I was about 18 years old," writes Craig, for our Patient Success Story for August 2016. "At the time I was pretty 'straight-edge.' My next-door neighbor had some, supposedly from Mexico. I had the time of my life – I haven’t really...
Medical Mondays: Cannabis and Glaucoma

Medical Mondays: Cannabis and Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a neurological condition that may lead to blindness if left untreated. It is caused by optic nerve damage. Interestingly, glaucoma is now widely accepted to be a neurogenerative disease. Some studies even link it to a higher likelihood of developing...
Medical Monday: HIV/AIDS

Medical Monday: HIV/AIDS

HIV and AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) are some of the most devastating diseases of our time. June 5th marks the anniversary of the first reported case of AIDS in 1981. Since then, it has caused devastation and loss across...