HMH Strain Reviews: Green Crack

HMC Strain Reviews | 0 comments

Green Crack

Reviewed by Chelsea

Symptom relief: Fatigue, stress, nausea, headaches

" I chose Green Crack because it's a favorite sativa of mine. The first time I tried it, I knew it was a great daytime medicine for me! It's so energizing and is still highly functional."


"Green Crack looks like a '70s shag carpet, with red-orange hairs. There are bright green buds happily glittering, just waiting to be enjoyed."


"The aroma of this strain is smooth with spicy and flowery notes."


"I smoked this strain using a bowl and a water pipe, which are my favorite methods. The smoke was so smooth, it doesn't necessarily need to be in a water pipe. It tends to keep burning once lit. Green Crack has a delicious lemon-y sweet flavor."


"This strain is especially energizing, uplifting and euphoric. It's a sativa at its finest -- it feels better than drinking coffee for me (no jitters or crash). I tend to be very sensitive to strong sativas -- they can make me feel high-strung or buzzy, but Green Crack is all goodness and is long lasting. It's truly a fantastic strain -- I just wish it had a different name (sorry Snoop.) 🙂

