Patient Success Story: Rick

Patient Success Story: Rick

My story begins on 7/28/2018, when stage 4 prostate cancer was confirmed. At that time, it had metastasized to my lymph and bones and I was not given a very good prognosis... one to five years if I underwent conventional cancer treatment; chemo and radiation. I was...
Patient Success Story: Richard

Patient Success Story: Richard

Due to an injury as a teenager,  I have suffered from chronic lower back pain for over fifty-five years. I've been through surgery, physical therapy, chiropractors, injections, muscle relaxers, and other pills but while they all provided some temporary relief, none...
Patient Success Story: Rick

Patient Success Story: Anonymous

Tell me a little bit about how you were first introduced to cannabis therapy:  My sister turned me on to it, I was thirteen years old at a Grateful Dead concert. She’d talked to me about it before. Since then I’ve always been aware of the benefits, effects, etc. of...
Patient Success Story: Rick

Patient Success Story: Alison

I used to get debilitating tension headaches, an episode would last weeks and the insomnia was unbearable. These weren't the "take an Advil and lie down" kinda headaches. They controlled my life. They would come at 2 am, then 4 am and 6 am. Sometimes lying down made...
Patient Success Story: Rick

Patient Success Story: Anonymous

Growing up I fed into the whole “weed makes you dumb” and “stoners are losers” stereotypes. Living in a small town and being a teenager at the time, it was easy to place people into categories without knowing anything about them. Almost as easy as it was to run into...