Patient Success Story: Richard

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Due to an injury as a teenager,  I have suffered from chronic lower back pain for over fifty-five years.

I've been through surgery, physical therapy, chiropractors, injections, muscle relaxers, and other pills but while they all provided some temporary relief, none were a permanent solution.

About a year ago, my son suggested I try CBD gummies.

Initially, I was both hesitant and skeptical. Eventually, though, I gave them a try. WOW! What a difference a year has made.

I can personally attest that I am pain-free. I feel like a new seventy four year young man.

Now I am back to doing things that I wasn't able to do prior to beginning my daily regimen of CBD gummies.

Biking, hiking, gardening, and even bowling are back in the picture!

All being enjoyed pain-free and without any negative side effects.


