Patient Success Stories: Connie

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Connie is not letting an injury slow her down too much.

She began using medical cannabis five years ago, after a serious fall resulted in a traumatic brain injury.

“I was experiencing terrible headaches and I wasn’t able to sleep,” Connie said.

While Connie was originally prescribed opiates to combat the effects of the injury, she expresses the immense benefits cannabis has had. At one time, she was given morphine to help with the pain — today, she uses medical marijuana in place of it. Her favorite strains include high-CBD favorite Cannatonic, Blue Dream and Holy Grail Kush. She also uses tinctures specifically for pain. By ingesting cannabis, Connie describes less pain and more restful sleep.

Connie’s mobility was also affected by her injury; for the past 7 years she has relied on a wheelchair. However, Connie is determined to continue improving her mobility. Her goal is to walk again soon.

“I have found medical marijuana to be a great help in overcoming the pain that accompanies rehabilitation,” Connie expressed. She is also happy to share she has completely eliminated opiates.

While the journey has undoubtedly been difficult, Connie’s positive energy is apparent. Her smile is contagious. She has support from her husband of 23 years — who she describes as “her soulmate” — and is loving life in Flagstaff. In her spare time, Connie writes. She is currently working on a book. Additionally, she loves photography and cooking.

In the future, Connie hopes to see full legalization of cannabis.
