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The Herbivore: Special Holiday Edition

The Herbivore: Special Holiday Edition

The holiday season can be busy: filled with travel plans, dinners, parties — the list goes on. Without proper care, the season can easily go from magical to manic. This is why so many people experience heightened depression and anxiety during the holidays. Beyond...
The Herbivore: Special Holiday Edition

The Herbivore: The Best Cannabutter

We've covered how to make infused cooking oil before — but what about cannabutter? Many would argue: nothing truly compares to the luxurious texture of butter. This cannabutter is sure to become your go-to recipe for all your baking and medicating needs. Anything with...
The Herbivore: Grandma’s Medicated Granola

The Herbivore: Grandma’s Medicated Granola

When I was younger, my grandma would bake us the best granola. It was a combination of oats, various nuts, and assorted dried fruit. She would sometimes add coconut or brown sugar into the mix. The result was always a dense, flavorful hodge-podge of ingredients, with...
The Herbivore: Special Holiday Edition

The Herbivore: Grilled Summer Peaches

Peaches are the perfect fruit for late-summer. Often harvested in July and August, these decadent stone fruits offer a mouthwatering blend of sweet & tart, with a hint of nostalgia. You can use incorporate them into desserts, savory dishes or just eat them fresh...
The Herbivore: Special Holiday Edition

The Herbivore: Hello to Hemp

Hemp is often the underrepresented and underappreciated member of the Cannabis Sativa family. Historically cultivated for its industrial uses, hemp is distantly related to the cannabis that we are most familiar with at the dispensary. Industrial hemp may be used as a...