Patient Success Story: Obie the Huskie

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June Patient Success Story: Jen and Obie the Husky

In late March of this year, my two-year-old husky was diagnosed with epilepsy.

The morning I brought him to the vet, he was not the same husky I had raised since he was seven weeks old. He was clinging to me, balancing himself against my legs because he could not walk, and he was having hallucinations-- this was after his initial seizure. The seizure itself I was told was not painful for him, but the aftermath was heartbreaking.

I took him to his vet where he was under observation for a day. He had another focal/partial seizures while in their care. He was discharged later that day and we were advised to see a neurologist in Phoenix. I made an appointment knowing it would be expensive, but my dogs are my children! They will always get the necessary medical care if we can do it.

The neurologist did some testing and exams (except an MRI) and decided it was best we place him on a sedative anticonvulsant medication. She told me to prepare myself that his personality and behaviors would never be the same as they had been. My drive back from Phoenix to Flagstaff was basically me crying at the wheel, constantly asking Obie in the backseat if he was okay, and just generally feeling at a loss for what to do. I wanted my dog back. The 60 pound, independent cat-like dog I had grown to obsess over.

About 20 miles out of Flag I received a message from a friend asking if I’d consider using CBD oil. She said even humans take it for seizures and it’s made a huge impact on so many people’s lives. I called my husband, asked what he thought, and then my neurologist. Everybody gave the go-ahead. On our way home, we stopped by High Mountain Health to pick up some CBD oil.

If you knew me then, you'd know I didn’t have a clue about cannabis therapy. I was nervous to even go in because I worried I’d be shut down, or laughed at, or just rushed out. This was entirely not the case. As soon as I walked in, the girls at the front desk were so incredibly welcoming and understanding of my situation. I filled out my paperwork and I was in the back within minutes. I was assigned a representative who took his time with me. He listened to my story, then brought out multiple products he advised would help Obie feel better. He spoke clearly, answered my questions, and explained everything I needed to do. I ended up walking out with hemp oil and doggie CBD treats.

When I got back to the car (which I had running on high A/C because, you know, huskies don’t like hot weather), I noticed he was acting differently again. I could tell he was about to have a seizure, he was falling over, unable to balance, and I knew I had to take action. The meds that were prescribed to him by his neurologist usually take effect within 30-45 minutes and I didn’t want to wait that long. I immediately gave him a dropper’s worth of his hemp oil that I had JUST purchased, along with a treat, and I sat in the backseat with him in the Dollar Store parking lot and waited.

Nothing happened. And by nothing, I mean no seizure.

I calmed him down, let him lay on my lap (he never does that), and within minutes he had perked up, his eyes weren’t dilated, and he was back to sniffing my beef jerky in the front seat. We drove home in peace, and I felt a pretty big victory. As soon as I got home, I immediately called High Mountain Health and told them what happened. I remember the woman I spoke with saying “You’re going to make me cry!”-- I was already crying!

So, it has been about twelve days Obi's been seizure free. He had one more after that incident, and that’s when I realized what can trigger them. So now, every day, he gets a dropper in the morning as soon as we wake up that treats him throughout the day, and more oil in the evening. We are so very thankful and happy that we considered this option because it has made a huge difference in not only my life but in my sweet Obie’s life.

Learning about cannabis therapy (not just oil) has opened my mind so much more. I was never anti-this, or anti-that, I was just not aware of how this plant could be so medically significant to humans and our pets alike. I’ve even started taking CBD oil for my anxiety, that’s how much it’s opened my eyes! Cannabis therapy has helped me because I’m not constantly worried about my dog, Obie, seizing or suffering from post-seizure effects. The seizure itself is scary and traumatizing, but it can be a full day afterward that your pup is still hiding, crying, needy, and completely out of it. That is very difficult to watch as well.

Since we started CBD oil, my stress level has plummeted. Most importantly, it’s improved Obie’s life.

He’s almost back to his usual self, he hasn’t had a seizure in twelve days, and he’s still acting like a cat who wants nothing to do with you unless you have food in your hand-- that’s just who he IS.

If someone asked me about cannabis therapy, I'd say, just try it. There is absolutely no harm in putting your skepticism aside and trying something natural and beneficial to you or your pets. And, most importantly, do your research. Be open-minded. This natural product can help so many people. Depression, anxiety, PTSD, seizures, back problems, pain, etc. Why are some people so against a product not ruled by our greedy pharmaceutical companies? But they are okay with our opioid crisis? I can’t wrap my head around it.

My animals are my life! I have six dogs, two chickens, three lizards, and a tarantula. They keep me happy, and they keep my mind healthy. I’ve always been the type of person to enjoy caring for others. Some days I’m hard on myself like any normal person, but when I come home to a happy husband and a bunch of dogs who just love me and are so well cared for, I have to give myself a pat on the back. I pride myself on being a compassionate, helping person. Not just animals, but towards people as well. If you ever need anything, I am there. Morning, noon, or night. I love to help.

I just want to say a huge thank you to High Mountain Health and their incredible employees for providing such an awesome, caring atmosphere for their patients.

You are doing amazing things and I hope you get all the recognition you can get, and thank you for taking care of me and Obie. We are forever grateful to you!!!

