Marijuana & Your Moon Cycle

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Marijuana moonAccording to some women, their menstrual cycle is a time for cleansing, both physically and mentally. Some look forward to menstruation as a time to connect with their femininity and natural cycles that reflect our internal processes -- the waning and waxing moon, the seasons, the infinite circle of birth and death. Other women dread their "time of the month" because of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), which can be a drain on the body and the mind. Symptoms of PMS often include one or more of the following:

  • Back pain
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Minor to severe abdominal cramps
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Appetite changes

Women have always treated PMS in a number of ways; for thousands of years, cannabis has been used to alleviate these symptoms. Texts from ancient Mesopotamia describe treating an "unspecified female ailment" with cannabis. Anglo Saxon documents also describe using cannabis to help with the pain of menstruation and childbirth.

Cannabis is still often used today to treat the negative effects of PMS. A few ladies over here at High Mountain Health explained their favorite strains & methods to alleviate cramps, mood swings, nausea, etc.

Ashley, Cannabis Consultant and Receptionist - 29 

"I like making a salad with Cannatonic, Tyson OG (or another heavy indica strain), Holy Grail and Black Diamond. Cannatonic alone is very effective if you don't need psychoactive effects. That combination can help with muscle relief and pain. Topicals don't really do enough for me, I have to smoke [cannabis] for enough relief. CBD oil mixed with lavender essential oil can have good calming effects." 

LaReina, Cannabis Consultant - 31

"I have endometriosis, so it can make my period really painful. Any blueberry strain are my go-to. I also use CBDs alongside OGs, which tends to be effective in relieving pain and the mood issues that come with it."

Carrie, Manager - 41

"I enjoy using a topical cream. I also like the strain White Widow. If I don't have any White Widow on hand, I'll mix a high-CBD strain with anything I have. I have heard using tinctures topically can be a really effective method, however I haven't tried doing that yet." 

As you probably noticed, CBDs are instrumental in alleviating PMS. Although clinical trials haven't happened yet, there is evidence that cannabidiol has antispasmodic, anti-anxiety and anti-nausea properties. Other cannabinoids, like THC, can aid in combating insomnia and severe mood swings. There are several other holistic options to help with PMS, including Magnesium, Motherwort and Vitamin D. Just for fun, here are 9 facts that everyone should know about their menstrual cycles.
