Cannabis is for lovers

Lifestyle, Patient Education | 0 comments

While you should be showing your special someone love every day of the year, some of us want to make Valentine's Day particularly nice. Roses are great but cliche -- let's embrace our other favorite flower for the holiday. Change things up a bit in the bedroom (for the holiday or, heck, every night); cannabis can help facilitate a truly magical experience you and your partner wont forget anytime soon.

Cannabis has been cited as an aphrodisiac for eons. In modern times, people still use cannabis to get it on. A survey conducted by HelloMD interviewed 1,400 medical cannabis patients during January 2016, and found promising results. Many found relief from pain, nausea and other common symptoms. Around 14 percent described an increased libido after using cannabis and many others described improved emotions -- all good things for a healthy and successful sex life. And that's only the group of people who are self-reporting... we're thinking the numbers are a lot higher. 😉

Furthermore, having good sex has a lot to do with relaxation. You want to make sure you're in the right mindset -- and for many, cannabis can benefit in this realm. With the right strain, many people feel less anxious, less inhibited and more eager to be intimate. Partners may feel closer emotionally, be willing to try new things in the bedroom, while also alleviating pain or discomfort. There is some evidence cannabis interacts with the CB1 receptor to improve tactile sensations -- touch -- which can also be incredibly helpful.

Some companies have realized cannabis' incredible potential for lovers. Among the most well-known is Foria's oil-based cannabis spray. This discreet and classy mist is ideal for women needing/wanting to get in the mood. All it requires is a couple spritzes, and soon enough, a warm and pleasurable sensation emanating from the nether-regions will take over. The only ingredients in this magical mixture are "Cannabis, coconut oil and love." It's effectiveness makes sense because virgin, unrefined coconut oil -- beyond its countless other uses -- is a fantastic lube. To add onto that, THC acts as a vasodilator -- increasing blood flow and sensitivity. Need we say more?

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, a retired Harvard Medical School professor believes cannabis is the answer to many of our sexual woes.

“I believe there are three broad categories of usefulness for this remarkably nontoxic drug. Two of them are quite available, namely, recreation and medicine,” said Grinspoon in a 2014 article published by New York Magazine. "But there’s a third category, the capacity to enhance a variety of human experiences. There’s one that comes to everybody: the capacity to turn an ordinary dish into an extraordinary culinary experience. And the second is sexual experience."

In the same article, many people described achieving orgasm for the first time in years after smoking, others felt sexier, comfortable and confident in their own bodies.

And that's really what it comes down to: having sex with your long-time partner may feel new and exciting with the addition of cannabis. You might see them in a slightly different light, or be aroused in unexpected ways. With a newer partner, it may eliminate some of the nervousness or insecurities you might be struggling with. Furthermore, it can illicit deeper, more honest conversations, which we all know is the best foreplay.


